Saturday, 24 September 2016

Oatmeal ... Meal?

Lately I've been on a happy streak of healthy eating. I started experiencing these really unpleasant "food hangovers" (that's what I'm going to call it) after my San Fran trip, so I figured it was time for me to do some detox. Over the past month, I also did a lot of kitchen re-organization that has really given me a lot of motivation and inspiration for clean eating.

I had originally planned on making a blog post about my DIY kitchen organization containers ... but, I got busy and it didn't end up happening. I am debating on whether I should still do one.

I am really a "clear space = clear mind = FOCUS" -type person. Any type of clutter tends to weigh down on my determination.

So, my first order of business was to DECLUTTER. And by declutter, I mean getting down to the essentials kind of declutter. If you've been to my apartment, you'll know that I value minimalism. If I don't need it, I'm not going to keep it.

Second, I started a new project -- a Meal Planning Binder. It's still in the works and there's not enough material to show right now, so I'll likely blog about that later (if I remember!).

Now you're probably wondering how this relates back to oatmeal (and it does, I promise). As part of my Meal Planning Binder project, I've been doing a bunch of research on healthy recipes/meals - mostly on YouTube and Pinterest. From my research, I discovered ...


SAVOURY OATMEAL!!! Excuse my excitement if you're reading this and are thinking "duh... that's totally a thing ... who doesn't already know this". I, on the other hand, have never even thought about oatmeal in that way before.

If you're thinking that I might have been a bit heavy-handed with the parsley, it was intentional - I LOVE parsley.
It is so easy to make and I'm obsessed with it. I've always been a huge fan of the risotto-like texture in food and this just like that. Instead of milk, I used all water and then mixed in sea salt and black pepper.

I also mixed in a bit of shredded cheddar cheese (not pictured here).
So, there it is! I felt compelled to share my newest discovery with everyone because I found it totally life changing ... and sharing is caring :)

If savoury oatmeal is news to you as well, PLEASE let me know so I can feel less like I've been living under rock my whole life.