Such a good reminder, especially for those rainy days when you've forgotten your umbrella; for those days when you have to get up after a sleepless night; for those days when you're hungover after having one too many drinks; for those days when you wake up with sore throat and runny nose and have to miss work.
The latter was the case for me when I woke up this morning. AWESOME! Not really. Sarcasm aside, it definitely wasn't great waking up with a cold. I didn't feel like being awesome. I wanted to sleep all day. Not my preference for how I would've liked to start my week. It's easy to let your negative emotions take over and set the tone for your day. That's why I love this friendly reminder - wake up and be awesome.
Now when I say that I didn't feel like being "awesome", I don't mean "awesome" in the sense of, "YAY!", "HURRAY!", "in-your-face" kind of awesome. Although, I obviously didn't feel that way either. When I look at that mug, I take it as a reminder to be a different kind of awesome. Now I know I'm probably being way too introspective here, but after spending all day in my apartment (without much to do), can you really blame me for doing some self-reflection? Before I get into my own interpretation, let me tell you what Merriam Webster has to say about the word:
awesome | expressive of awe; inspiring awe
And the word, "awe"?
awe | a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder
I've never personally associated awe with fear. Respect and wonder, however, is a lot more in line with how I've chosen to interpret the word "awesome". So, back to what I think it means to be awesome. To me, being awesome means acting in a way or interacting with others in a way that garners respect, and very possibly, wonder.
I've always had a very deep respect for people who continue to be kind, generous, and resilient, even in the face of adversities. And I wonder - I wonder about how someone manages to maintain such class and grace, even when things aren't going their way ... because it's hard. But, that's why when someone does act a certain way or does something that's pleasantly unexpected considering the circumstances, they're awesome. As human beings, we're used to putting our needs first. I'm only human! When the going gets tough, being awesome might not come naturally. I, for one, would be the first to admit that I'm guilty of this. But, it's within all of us to try - to try and wake up every morning and be awesome.
Being a good friend, even if your friend hasn't been the most supportive.
Doing someone a favour without expecting something in return.
Not taking out your anger on someone when you're having a bad day.
Working hard to achieve something you're passionate about, despite numerous obstacles.
Appreciating someone else's struggles that may be different than your own.
Being a good listener, even when you really want to rant.
Offer to help someone without them asking you for help.
Respond positively, even if your first impulse is to react negatively.
And the list goes on.
Regardless of whether my interpretation of "awesome" is the same as someone else's, I can bet that we all share the same mutual desire of wanting respect. Anyone's interpretation of what awesome is or what being awesome is is subject to constant re-definition. The bottom line is, who doesn't want to be thought of as awesome?
So, as I sat on my couch and had my morning coffee (in my pjs, with a box of tissues, staring out at the overcast sky), I set an intention and reminded myself (to try) to be awesome and to inspire at least one other person to do so the same.