Friday, 23 October 2015

A Day in the Life of

Probably like many others, I have been meaning to start a blog for years (but never got around to it). Now that I've taken a leap of faith and finally moved from the Toronto to Vancity - I figured I might as well.

I'm not a philosopher, so I'm going to keep this intro blurb short.

Over the years, I've realized that being happy is a choice. And yes, sometimes choosing to be happy can be (very) hard, especially if I haven't had my morning coffee, my day at work sucked, I'm sick, it's been raining all day, blah blah blah, etc. But, life happens, it happens quickly, and every second you spend agonizing over something is a second you will never get back.  In light of that, I always try to make a conscious effort to take a step back, take a deep breath, and not sweat the small stuff.

And so, here's to my day-to-day attempts at choosing happiness, staying positive, remaining grateful, and enjoying life for what it is ... despite life's nuisances. TGIF! :)

P.S. GO JAYS GO! It ain't over til it's over, Kansas City!

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